Some Light Reading for Independence Day

It has been a hectic start to the summer in the @ATXAdvisor household. In addition to our normal weekends at softball fields watching my daughter play in tournaments around Texas, we've added in a whirlwind of activities that will ultimately see my oldest off to college soon.

We just got back from his New Student Conference and are about to leave on a vacation with a couple of his close friends and their families to celebrate their matriculation from high school. All of that is to say I have not had time to write much in the Accountable Update lately. 

A DIY Lesson Learned

Earlier this week, while performing some annual maintenance on my hot water heater in my home, I noticed that water kept dripping from the pressure relief valve after I had tested it. I played with the valves some, looked for ideas on the internet (tap them a few times), I tapped them a few times, then I went about my day hoping that when I checked back later, the drip would have stopped.

The next morning, my wife went outside to retrieve something from her car and came back in with a question. “Have you seen all the water in the driveway,” she asked?