That Old Familiar Feeling

I recently got into a heated online discussion with a young man that was pitching an investment fund on an internet chat board. It all started with someone asking for thoughts about how to invest the proceeds of a business sale.

“I’ve got an Algorithm with your name on it. It’s up +18% over the last 5 months while market is down around -8% over same period,” replied the would be Wolf of Main Street.

“It's a long/Short algo that auto trades only S&P futures currently, with limited exposure. Somewhat the opposite of HFT. We have small group of investors, very high net worth types. Launched in July and was in development for about a year prior to that. I can email you if you're legitimately interested.”

Sounds legit, right?

Saving Too Much in a Retirement Account is no Laffer Matter?

In the past few weeks, some politicians have created quite a buzz with proposals designed to increase taxes on the rich and redistribute those dollars to the less affluent masses. One of the ideas that has received quite a bit of publicity is raising the top marginal income tax rate from its current 37% to as much as 70% on high income recipients.

Almost certainly, this and other tax proposals will receive increasing attention as the campaigns for the 2020 Presidential Election shift into gear. As talk of raising income tax rates increases, you may also hear about economist Arthur Laffer, or more specifically, his Laffer curve illustration. Laffer is a “Supply Side” economist that suggests that there is an optimal point of taxation, that once exceeded, results in less taxes being collected due to the disincentive of working more to earn less.

I’m no economist, but a financial planning issue I recently helped a client navigate may demonstrate that investing in your retirement account is not a Laffer matter.

The issue in question is for a retirement saver that has a high-end problem, too much money in their retirement accounts. How can that be, you may ask?